It's raining DNA hallelujah

Common Vetch Rosebay Willow Herb Broad leaved Dock The fact that ‘Wild Flowers’ are so called tells us a lot about the way we view nature. They are named after the part which appeals to us aesthetically. I think they should be renamed ‘Wild Seeds.’ I can imagine our early ancestors would have been a lot more interested in this, possibly edible, part of the plant. To the plant this is the business end of the year – the time when it makes copies of itself. It also makes means of dispersing these copies. Hence the ‘possibly edible’ part - some plants bribing other organisms to act as their couriers – “here’s a juicy blackberry for you if carry these mini-me’s down to the bottom of the hill”. Hogweed Bramble Himalayn Balsam Over the last couple of weeks, on my patch walks, I’ve been marveling at the variety and sheer abundance of these seedheads. A windy day tran...