Flow – Perfect Moments

I used to love running. I *really* loved running. Before illness limited what I could do physically, I ran every day and competed in road and fell races. One of the best feelings I’ve ever had in life is the feeling of ‘flow’ while running. When it was going really well, and I was very fit, I’d be running at a good pace for long periods of time, but with an ecstatic feeling of effortlessness, of harmoniousness. I miss that feeling. And when I think back to a ‘perfect moment’ that moment was while running. What happened was seemingly inconsequential and trivial – but I was totally 'in the zone'. I was living in Portugal and out running. I ran towards a football pitch with a game in progress and a very high fence to stop balls going onto the road. I was running well and ‘flowing’ already. Someone kicked a ball up high and it was clearly going to go over the fence. I could see from some way off that my direction of travel and the bottom of the ball’s trajectory woul...