The Symmetrical Patch

For the past couple of weeks, on my patch walks, I’ve been symmetry spotting. To see if something is symmetrical: Pick it up Transform it (rotate, scale, reflect, flip etc) Put it down again If it looks the same as before the transformation it’s symmetrical Popular items for this kind of transformation are spoons, static caravans and grandparents. The most obvious kind of symmetry is reflectional (or bilateral). An object has reflectional symmetry if there is a line going through it which divides it into two pieces which are mirror images of each other. There are several other kinds, however, and it's flippin' well everywhere. Symmetry in the Physical world Bubbles have rotational symmetry as do a the sun, moon, earth and the Death Star. In a bubble, surface tension pulls molecules of water into the tightest possible groupings. A sphere is the tightest possible grouping that any collection of particles can achieve. Sym...